Add the cooling and calming ambience of a Basalt Fountain to your yard.
Pondless fountains recirculate and save water
Unique and Easy to Install
It is now easier than ever to install and enjoy your very own cooling oasis! These complete kits by Aquascape are the perfect combination of DIY and beauty. The included AquaBasin 45 simplifies installation and is able to store up to 98 gallons, minimizing maintenance significantly. The basin improves water circulation and increases accessibility for maintenance. The kit also includes an extremely energy-efficient AquaSurge pump, Flexible PVC Pipe and your choice of Basalt column sets.You can also build your own unique fountain using Aztec Gold Basalt columns or other suitable stone. All the pumps, liners and other water feature supplies necessary to create your custom fountain.
Mongolian Basalt
Fountain Kit
Kit includes a set of 3 Natural Mongolian Basalt Columns, Aquabasin 45, Ultra 2000 Water
Pump and 15' of kink-Free pipe.
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Drilled Custom Kit
Pick your Rocks and Components
Create the fountain that fits your location. Contact
us to help get the pumps, pond liner, tubing and stone.
Semi Polished Basalt
Fountain Kit
Kit includes a set of 3 Semi-Polished Stone Basalt Columns, Aquabasin 45, Ultra 2000
Water Pump and 15' of kink-Free pipe.
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Ultra 2000 Water Pump
Ideal for use with decorative fountains and small ponds. Mag-drive technology makes this
pump extremely energy efficient.
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45 Mil EPDM Liner
Ideal membrane for retaining water in Ponds, Waterfalls, Fountains, and other water features.
Free Pipe
Ideal for recirculating water in decorative fountains and other water features without
the use of PVC cement.